
  • F4transkript Fast, precise and concentrated typing. For audio- and videofiles on Windows, Linux and Mac!
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F4transkript Serial Key


The following programs for transcription, data preparation and analysis are available in the Methods Lab:


f4transkript is an easy, straightforward program that assists in the transcription of audio and video data. Thus, it is useful for interview research, video analysis or conversation analysis. It includes features such as variable adjustment of playback speed, automatic placement of timestamps and quick entry of text elements using short key combinations. It is possible to play, pause and rewind the recording using the keyboard or foot pedals located at each workstation. Altogether, the program is a useful tool that makes the process of transcription easier and more efficient.


f4analyse is a program that allows for the analysis of textual data imported in Rich Text Format documents. When working with timestamped texts (as in those created using f4transkript), the corresponding media data can be added to the f4 project and segments can be listened to with a click on the associated timestamp. Words and passages in the text can be commented and coded; these codes can then be color-coded, reordered, and edited very easily. Code frequencies, distributions and co-occurrences within and among documents can also be displayed. If needed, it is possible to export overviews of codes, memos or coded text segments. f4analyse may be particularly useful for those working with interviews, GAT transcripts, smaller ethnographic projects, and qualitative content analysis.

F4transkriptF4transkript freeF4transkript


ATLAS.ti is a flexible program offering a broad range of features for analysis of data of all kinds of different media formats, including text, image, video, Twitter, and geographical data. It provides support at many stages of the research process, such as document management, quotation selection, coding, writing memos, and further tools designed to help with analysis. Word clouds and networks may assist in brainstorming or organizing ideas. The management of documents, codes, memos, quotations and more is made significantly easier with dedicated areas for the organization and annotation of each of these entities. If desired, code co-occurrences and relationships between elements can be created and displayed in more complex ways, using specific parameters or network visualizations. Multi-user projects are also supported.
ATLAS.ti is particularly useful for collaborative projects, multi-media projects, and all kinds of methodologies and research designs, such as ethnography, documentary method or grounded theory approaches.

F4transkript Anleitung

Adobe Creative Cloud programs:

F4transkript Free

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Adobe Premiere Pro is a popular program for beginner to advanced video editing. In the context of qualitative research, it can be used to prepare video data before analysis or presentation. Relevant uses include splitting or removing video segments, audio and video correction, simultaneous display of different recordings (e.g. from different angles) or the addition of subtitles. For anonymization purposes, one can also distort faces, voices or other aspects of the recording.

Adobe Photoshop

F4transkript Serial Key

Adobe Photoshop is an image editing program that can be used for the preparation of image data. It offers many advanced functions as well as basic functions such as cropping and rescaling, adjustment of lighting and color, and distortion or removal of aspects of the image for anonymization purposes.

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