Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter

Michigan native and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has said she is weighing a 2022 election challenge. 517-372-8660 or Follow him on Twitter @. What Ronna McDaniel just gave away: Donald Trump’s presidency is such a failure, his only hope of reelection comes down to convincing people that Joe Biden has actually been the president these past four years. — Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) September 13, 2020.

  1. Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter Today
  2. Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter Page
  3. Ronna Romney Mcdaniel Biography
  4. Ronna Romney Mcdaniel Email Address
  5. Ronna Mcdaniel Contact Information
  6. Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter
  7. Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter Today
  1. RONNA McDANIEL: As our country is divided, like we've never been before, rhetoric matters. And she hasn't had her Twitter account suspended, yet her rhetoric is divisive, and it is hurting our country. The Republican Party has no place for white supremacists, that is very clear. We have made that very clear.
  2. Ronna McDaniel Slammed On Twitter For Claiming Joe Biden Will Raise Taxes For 82% Of Americans. By Lauren Dubois @ldubois613 10/17/20 AT 1:48 PM. The Republican National Convention Chairwoman.

If you pay attention only to the polls and the mainstream media narrative, you'll believe that, even though the presidential race is tightening, Biden still maintains a lead and can handily win the upcoming election. However, if you look at the information on the Twitter feed of Ronna McDaniel, the GOP chairwoman, you'll see an entirely different story and one that is more in sync with Trump's well attended rallies compared to Biden's anemic afternoon teas.

Today, Joe Biden shuffled out of his basement for another one of his 'rallies.' It was an embarrassment:

Ronna romney mcdaniel email address

A Joe Biden rally. Seriously.

— Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) October 27, 2020

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is doing two to three rallies a day, every day, and looking more vibrant and alive with each passing appearance before tens of thousands of people.

The interesting question, and the one the mainstream media would prefer you don't ask, is who are the people attending Biden's rallies? As was the case in 2016, the Trump campaign and the GOP are paying close attention to the people showing up. Here are data that McDaniel published from the last several Trump rallies. In tweet after tweet, pay attention to the number of non-Republicans at the rallies and the number of people who did not support Trump in 2016. The Midwestern numbers are extraordinary.

Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter Today

OHIO is ready to re-elect @realDonaldTrump!
✅ 18,949 signups
✅ 42.2% NOT Republican
✅ 29.7% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Circleville!!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 25, 2020

Our supporters in NEW HAMPSHIRE are ready to turn the state red for @realDonaldTrump!
✅ 13,263 signups
✅ 44.8% NOT Republican
✅ 20.4% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Manchester!!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 25, 2020

While Joe Biden holds ZERO events today, @realDonaldTrump is firing up supporters all across PENNSYLVANIA! From his first rally:
✅ 13,331 signups
✅ 23.8% NOT Republican
✅ 21.9% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Allentown!!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 26, 2020

Fantastic crowd at @realDonaldTrump’s rally in Lititz, PA:
✅ 18,894 signups
✅ 22.2% NOT Republican
✅ 20.8% did not vote in 2016
Thank you to everyone who turned out!!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 26, 2020

Another great turnout for @realDonaldTrump in PENNSYLVANIA:
✅ 11,593 signups
✅ 14.1% NOT Republican
✅ 21.6% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Martinsburg!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 26, 2020

President @realDonaldTrump won Michigan in 2016 by bringing new voters into the fold, and today’s crowd shows he is doing it again!
✅ 19,240 signups
✅ 50.9% (!!) NOT Republican
✅ 32.8% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Lansing!!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 27, 2020

I thought the partisan breakdown at Michigan’s rally was impressive.
But the % of Democrats and Independents who turned out for @realDonaldTrump in Wisconsin is even higher!
✅ 12,051 signups
✅ 56.4% (!!) NOT Republican
✅ 26.1% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, West Salem!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 27, 2020

HUGE enthusiasm for @realDonaldTrump in Omaha!
✅ 43,651 signups
✅ 40.2% (!) NOT Republican
✅ 24.3% did not vote in 2016
Thank you to all the supporters in IOWA and NEBRASKA who came out!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 28, 2020

Just as we had the famous Reagan Democrats, it looks as if this election is going to see a huge number of Trump Democrats. Those voters aren't necessarily going to appear in traditional polling. Likewise, to the extent that almost all polling outfits, in the days before the election, focus on people who have a track record of voting, these enthusiastic newbies also aren't getting counted.

Now add in the number of African-Americans who support Trump. Just three days ago, Rasmussen reported that 46% of blacks approve of Trump:

Morning Reader Data Points:
National Daily Black Likely Voter Job Approval For @POTUS - October 19-23, 2020
Mon 10/19 - 25%
Tue 10/20 - 24%
Wed 10/21 - 31%
Thu 10/22 - 37%
Fri 10/23 - 46%

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) October 23, 2020

If blacks are indeed switching their allegiance to Trump and away from the Democrat party that's exploited them for so long, that's a devastating blow to the Democrats. Moreover, Trump either has either maintained the solid support he had in 2016 from Hispanics or has strengthened that support (depending upon which polls you're relying).

Media outlets also say that early voting hugely favors Biden, but that's not true, either. For more information on that Democrat disappointment, you have to look to Australia, where a news outfit put together an excellent segment showing that Biden has a pretty small lead over Trump in early voting. Moreover, given the number of non-Republicans showing up at the Trump rallies, no one should assume that all of the Democrats who voted early are, in fact, voting for Biden:

What's apparent is that, despite Trump's tweets, which purists and snobs deplore (and supporters adore), and despite the insanity of 2020, Trump has expanded his base. Moreover, when you see thousands of people lining up to attend his rallies, no matter the weather, you've got to believe that they're also going to make the effort to vote:

“Longest line I’ve seen at a @realDonaldTrump rally yet.”
Thank you, MICHIGAN!!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 27, 2020

An estimated 65% of Americans are allegedly planning to vote this year. This means that, if you're voting in person, vote now. Don't wait until November 3. The high voter turnout could find you standing in line for hours or, even worse, being unable to vote.

As Sean Hannity has said, everyone should assume that his vote will be the one that makes the difference — and that's true whether you're in a blue or a red state. After all, even though the popular vote is constitutionally irrelevant, the best outcome is one that sees the Democrats realize that they haven't just lost by a little; they've lost by a lot. (And yes, I'm assuming a Trump victory. I can't help this creeping optimism.)

Image: Data from Trump rally in Wisconsin. Twitter screen grab.

Ronna Romney McDaniel, the chairperson of the Republican National Committee, on Sunday faced backlash after suggesting that '82% of Americans' make more than $400,000 per year.

In a tweet on Sunday, McDaniel pointed to a video clip from a conservative media group, which asserted that 'middle income earners' will see a tax increase under a Joe Biden presidency. However, Biden has said that he will not raise taxes on individuals making less than $400,0000 per year.

Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter Page

'Joe Biden would raise taxes on 82% of Americans, and we cannot afford it!' McDaniel wrote.

Joe Biden would raise taxes on 82% of Americans, and we cannot afford it!

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 11, 2020

Dozens of comments pointed out that most Americans do not make over $400,000 per year.

Read some of the remarks below.

Oh come on Ronna— get some rest.
Not now please

— CB— (@ConservBlue2020) October 11, 2020

Fact Check: Still Not True.

Ronna Romney Mcdaniel Biography

— Chidi®️ (@ChidiNwatu) October 11, 2020

No. FewI know make over $400,000 a year. And they are certainly not middle class. That is the top 1% of wage earners. At 2000 hours a year, that is $200 an hour. How many of you earn that????????????

Ronna Romney Mcdaniel Email Address

— Margot Durkin (@mrsdurkinmuses) October 11, 2020

If 82% made OVER 400k, then we'd damn well better agree to have taxes raised, cause we'd be wallowing in abundance.
Oh wait, the super rich who make over that want to selfishly hoard wealth + refuse to pay their fair share back into the system that made them super rich? Got it.

— Dear Nasty Reader, (@jk_steady) October 11, 2020

Wow. 82% of Americans earn more than $400,000 a year. I need to step up my game.

— Sapient Hominid (@wedietz) October 11, 2020

Ronna Mcdaniel Contact Information

I just checked, and only 2% of American families make $400,000 or more.

— DevinNunesCowForCongress@🏡 (@se_kear) October 11, 2020

Math is hard...if you’re Republican.

— Kate Smith (@KateSmithAZ) October 11, 2020

So 82% make over 400000...
Not! Just more lies and fear mongering

— Democracylives🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸 (@time2healus) October 11, 2020

@jack this is disinformation and a lie. Taxes would be raised on those making $400,000 a year, which would make them 1% of the 1% and needs to be removed. I have reported it as should everyone else.

— Tina Morphis #KHive #Humanist #ForthePeople (@TinaMorphis) October 11, 2020

So you're saying 82% of Americans make over $400,000 a year? Lay off the tangerine Tang, toots. You're out of your mind. #BidenHarrisLandslide

— Lesley Abravanel🆘 (@lesleyabravanel) October 11, 2020

Getting Sick hasn't taught HER A THING....

— 🍷Zanetta🍷 (@therealzanetta) October 11, 2020

This is not even remotely true.

— Ryan Kauffman (@RyanKauffman80) October 11, 2020

Also, it's not the whole income taxed more if you earn $400K. It's a bit more on the dollars ABOVE that. Your first 400K is still there for you to struggle by on, if you can.

— Catriona McPherson (@CatrionaMcP) October 11, 2020

82% of the people @realDonaldTrump knows make more than $400k a year/ that DOES NOT mean that 82% of the American people do. @JoeBiden will raise takes only on the top 1%

— Troy Chandler (@chandlertroyd) October 11, 2020

That’s not true, but go with it. I don’t really care if mine do as long as I get better value for them. 🤷🏼‍♂️

— President Meowcho Man 2020 (@ImSassifrass) October 11, 2020

Yet another lie.

— Eric Vale (@ericvale) October 11, 2020

You are a scumbag liar. Fuck all the way off.

— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) October 11, 2020

You’re. Lying. You. Ghoul.

— John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) October 11, 2020

Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter

Republicans think that 82% of Americans make over $400,000. That’s how far out of touch with Reality that they are.

— Mrs. Krassenstein (@HKrassenstein) October 11, 2020

Only 1% of earners make 400K annually, that’s the group that would see a tax increase, so that means 99% will not see a tax increase.

— Auntie Nan 🇺🇸 🌊🐶🆘 (@SoltisNancy) October 11, 2020

Ronna mcdaniel tweet

Another lie! I make under $400K (way under!) and my taxes went up under trump. I'm excited for Joe's new tax plan!

— JulieA (@JulieA77669619) October 11, 2020

If 82% of Americans were making over $400,000/year, we could absolutely all afford to pay more in taxes to make sure every last one of us has clean air and water, unfettered access to excellent health care, food, and education, and we could fully fund the arts!

— Rachel Vail (@rachelvailbooks) October 11, 2020

you live in a dreamworld. if 82% of Americans made 400k or more, we would be doing awfully good. but we arent, and they dont

— too much chaos 'koolaid drinkers and next of kin' (@YayImNotaBot) October 11, 2020

Median household income was $68,703 in 2019

— lutzkalutzka (@lutzkalutzka) October 11, 2020

Reported for disinformation about an election. C'mon twitter, this is a Republican Party official with more than 800k followers!

Ronna Mcdaniel Twitter Today

— MaryBeth Turner (@MBATurner) October 11, 2020

Fear is all they have left to peddle.

— bradleyj31 (@bradleyj31) October 11, 2020

Ronna with the Rona.
You guys raised taxes for the rest of us when you gave businesses more tax cuts and eliminated our credits.

— Final Frame (@JMAC8219) October 11, 2020

People got sicker and the rich got richer.
“Top 1% of U.S. Households Hold 15 Times More Wealth Than Bottom 50% combined”
New data available shows that the wealth gap got bigger.
Guess that’s who Trump and you GOP are talking to when you say the economy is doing well - the 1%.

— Alison Greene (@GrassrootsSpeak) October 11, 2020

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