Facebook Messenger Ultimate

Hang out anytime, anywhere - Messenger makes it easy and fun to stay close to your favorite people.

  1. Facebook; Twitter; Facebook Messenger; Pinterest; Email; print; Alexander Volkanovski has endured the ups and downs of the UFC 'roller coaster' in recent times, but he is pumped to trade positions.
  2. The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Messenger Bots Chatbots are immensely valuable for businesses that need improvements in their customer service and user experience. These online bots are supported by a range of different platforms, but Facebook Messenger bots are probably the most popular option that brands are really diving into.

Get Our Free Ultimate Guide
To Facebook Messenger Lead Magnets Today!

With over 2 billion users, Facebook Messenger is one of the fastest growing communication channels for businesses.

Here’s what comes inside:

A marketing strategy for each lead magnet idea

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The best lead magnet ideas for Facebook Messenger

Actionable ideas to implement in just a matter of hours

🧐 And much more…

What more of a reason do you really need to get this FREE guide that will help you revolutionize your marketing?

When applied the right way,
Facebook Messenger will be your best
channel of lead generation.

Facebook Messenger can help business professionals maintain constant contact with customers while streamlining a variety of business processes.

For example, Facebook Messenger can tackle many different automated services that would typically require countless staff hours to complete.

With a little planning, you can craft automated messages to match the tone of your business, be it formal or casual. That way, your audience experiences your company’s personality (and usually, they’re unaware that they’re speaking to an automated response system, so they’re receiving great customer service from the very beginning).

Facebook Messenger can play a critical role in maintaining your company’s online presence, especially through social media where the majority of your customers view your content. In addition to providing sophisticated answers to customer inquiries and creating targeted lead generating messages, Facebook Messenger can help with the following:

Market your company by advertising carefully-targeted content, services, and products in an organic manner

Create lead magnets and offer enticing, free content to customers who express need for the material you’re offering

Create and market a variety of relevant, engaging content across several different social media platforms

Sort your leads into categories based on interest, need, and other qualifications

Integrate an array of additional third-party tools and applications to run seamlessly alongside your Messenger utility

Convert new leads into paying customers by masterfully displaying a need they have and reminding them of both WHY they need it and why your company is the one to visit

Increase audience and customer engagement through a variety of market research strategies

Ensure that by creating engaging content and providing excellent service, your customers will tell others about your services and encourage friends and family to visit your website (word-of-mouth advertising is still one of the most reliable methods on the market today)

Our Facebook Messenger Lead Magnet Guide will walk you through every marketing strategy and will make clear what your company can specifically do to benefit from Facebook Messenger.

Each step is relatively simple and straightforward, easily customizable to meet the needs of your industry. Best of all, these techniques will yield your company fast, effective results!

In addition to guest posting on the UpCity blog, Goldiata Creative is featured as one of the Top Branding Agencies in the United States. Check out their profile here.

What does a business need to be successful in sales?

A strong sales process? A strong sales team? Maybe a creative pitch deck.

Businesses that are great at sales likely have a combination of all three, but savvy business owners are taking advantage of a new tool, one that encompasses every stage of the sales process from prospecting to upselling: Facebook Messenger bots.

Facebook Messenger bots are the latest way to interact with your prospects, and when used correctly, the ultimate sales Swiss Army Knife for your business.

What Is A Facebook Messenger Bot?

Facebook Messenger bots are programming tools that can communicate with your audience 24/7 automatically through Facebook. Soon, they will also be able to communicate through Instagram and WhatsApp. According to Forbes, they “will be your new best friend.”

Using automation in sales isn’t a foreign concept to small businesses. Whether it’s automating their direct mail campaigns, email onboarding sequences, or follow-up requests for reviews, SMBs have taken advantage of automation for years. Bots are simply a new way to automate business processes that, until now, have heavily relied on person-to-person communication.

Why Use Facebook Messenger Bots?

Facebook Messenger bots are able to funnel qualified prospects to your sales team while funneling out poor fits. They’re also able to provide personalized sales pitches to your warm leads, and they’re fantastic for nurturing leads and upselling products and services!

Simplified Prospecting

Bad prospects slip through the cracks all the time. As hard as it is to accept, some prospects just aren’t right for your business, and it’s better to let them go than waste your time.

Think of this common scenario: you book time out of your day for a sales meeting or phone call with a prospect. If you’re lucky, you uncover that it’s not going to be a great fit early; more times than not, you don’t find out until the topic of budget and timing rear their head much later into the conversation.


Facebook Messenger Bots qualify your leads for you by asking any number of questions.

  • What are your problems?
  • What does success look like to you?
  • How much money are you willing to spend?

Depending on how they respond to your questions, they either end up on a sales call, or politely declined. For, businesses without large sales teams, this can save countless hours! For those with more robust sales teams, it can be an additional check to ensure only qualified prospects funnel through.

Personalized Sales Pitch

Smart marketers and salespeople know that as close as you can get to a 1-to-1 message versus a 1-to-many message, the better received your message will be. By using a Facebook Messenger bot, audiences can be segmented and spoken to exactly how they prefer.

Similar to email campaigns with conditional logic, Facebook Messenger bots can provide variations of offers based on previous responses by a prospect.

Let’s use the example of a car dealer.

The car dealer has a prospect who has been talking with their bot. The buyer hass told the program that he likes the color blue and has a modest budget. That messenger Bot may offer him a place to purchase a blue Toyota Camry. On the flip side, a different prospect who likes red and is willing to spend more may be offered a red Lexus.

This kind of personalization can be quite powerful. In fact, one fashion blogger sold more than $4 million worth of Mini Coopers in only 5 minutes using chatbots on WeChat, a Chinese platform similar to Facebook Messenger!

The Ultimate Nurturing Tool

The sale doesn’t end once the papers are signed and the checks are cleared. An impeccable experience still needs to be delivered, and the prospect may have other problems they still need solved.

Facebook Messenger Mobile

These automated messages can be used in a similar fashion to email. Your Messenger bot can follow up with recent buyers to give them more insight into the brand, describe how to use the product, or provide them with tips and tricks. Because the interactions happen in Messenger, they tend to be more light-hearted and conversational.

Facebook Messenger Ultimate Pc

It’s also a great mechanism to upsell customers to additional services. Because bots can continue to ask targeted and personalized questions, even after the sale has been made, it allows you to consistently maintain a potential upsell or cross-sell stream, creating a natural opportunity for the customer to “pull” additional products and services from businesses rather than having to “push” additional offerings.

According to Market Watch, the chatbot market is projected to reach $1.34 billion in the next 5 years. It’s a rapidly growing model that early adopters are already exploring. Business owners looking to gain an edge on their competition would be wise to see how they can implement chatbot technology into their business!

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Facebook messenger ultimate review

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Brian Taylor is the owner of Goldiata Creative, a digital marketing agency in Baltimore that helps businesses looking to increase sales expedite their growth using online marketing. He has also been recognized by the Maryland Small Business Association as a top Young Entrepreneur.

Facebook Messenger Ultimate Free

Above all else, his mission is to give back to Baltimore City. Specifically, Brian is passionate about helping the Baltimore City education system; whether through volunteering or mentoring, his goal is to give students the opportunity to succeed regardless of where they were born.

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